

Reference materials for laboratories

A reference material is a material or substance where one or more values of some property are sufficiently homogeneous and stable to be used in the calibration of instruments, evaluation of test methods or assignment of values to materials. That is, they can be used for calibration, uncertainty estimation and verification of test methods. Reference materials are therefore a very important tool for validation and quality control of test methods. The implementation of a quality control system in a laboratory requires, among other things, that the quality and accuracy of the measurement results can be demonstrated, and it must be possible to guarantee the traceability of the results obtained, both in calibration and in testing. This is provided by the Certified Reference Materials. According to ISO Guide 33, these materials can be used for validation and verification of test methods, determination of element concentration, accuracy/bias/recovery control and precision control of test methods.

ENAC-accredited certified reference material producer

ISC-Science has been producing and marketing reference materials for quantitative analysis for almost 20 years. In that time, ISC-Science has established itself as the most reliable manufacturer of isotope standards. In addition, ISC-Science has expanded its product line and scope of accreditation to include certified reference materials for the determination of elements in clean water. These materials are produced and certified according to ISO 17034. In addition, ISC-Science is accredited by ENAC as a Reference Material Producer with accreditation no. 3/PMR004.

Distributors of leading brands in the chemical analysis sector.

ISC-SCIENCE makes available to laboratories the products of the leading brands in the market.

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