
About Savillex

Savillex is a company dedicated to the production of laboratory products made of a high quality fluoropolymer(PFA) recognized worldwide with extensive experience where the performance of its products has been demonstrated in applications requiring high levels of purity and safety.

Fluoropolymers are the most difficult polymers to mold; they require highly specialized molding tools and expertise. Savillex has been providing clean, innovative fluoropolymer solutions that are trusted for the most demanding laboratory and analytical applications since 1976. They are a trusted company for people performing the most demanding trace metal analyses in laboratories around the world.

Advantages of Savillex products

Savillex offers a wide range of products to laboratories that provide a substantial improvement in the quality of reagents such as acid purification systems. In fact, the purity of the acids in contact with the sample has a direct impact on the level of analytical blanks.

Savillex also offers sample introduction systems that are a critical component affecting all factors associated with performance, including sensitivity, stability, cleanliness, memory effects, matrix tolerance, sample compatibility, as well as measurement accuracy. Unlike other companies, Savillex designs and manufactures its molding tools in-house, which gives them great speed, flexibility and total control over product quality.

Since 2011 ISC-SCIENCE is the only official distributor of Savillex in Spain. The most demanded Savillex products where analytical laboratories have benefited are:

  • Acid Purification Systems. Savillex DST acid purification systems provide the easiest and most cost-effective way to produce high purity acids.
  • ICP Sample Introduction Systems. Savillex sample introduction systems are manufactured from the highest purity PFA material available, with the lowest trace metal content.
  • Vials and digesters. PFA vials and digesters are the best choice for more demanding applications in trace level metal analysis, ideal for geology and mineralogy.

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