Quality certifications

Quality certifications

Innovative Solutions in Chemistry S.L., is an organization committed to achieving and maintaining the quality of its services and products in the pursuit of customer satisfaction and technical competence through the implementation of good professional practices that include compliance with applicable technical requirements, as well as legal and regulatory requirements, without neglecting the customers’ own. To this end, the organization has implemented a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001 and UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17034 standards, firmly supported by management. Within the framework of this policy, ISC-Science management has communicated to the organization’s personnel the importance of complying with technical, legal and regulatory requirements, as well as those requested by the customer, and has designated a management representative responsible for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality management system. In the belief that the resources allocated to the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality system are an investment and not an expense, ISC-Science management is committed to providing the organization with the necessary resources for its proper development and maintenance.

Quality certifications

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